
24 Carrot Gardens (Tasmania)




MONA’s 24 Carrot Gardens Project (24 CGP) seeks to sow the seeds of lifelong learning in the areas of health, wellbeing and sustainability across Tasmanian school communities. At its core is a focus on pleasurable eating and good nutrition through growing, harvesting and preparing fresh kitchen garden produce. SAKGF and 24CGP have collaborated to empower 12 Tasmanian primary schools to deliver the Kitchen Garden Program.

Fresh Tastes


Fresh Tastes is an initiative of the ACT Department of Health and aims to make healthy food and drinks a part of everyday life at school. Under the SAKGF Fresh Tastes collaboration, schools engaged with Fresh Tastes are provided with training and membership to the Kitchen Garden Classroom, which supports the initiatives Growing Food and Cooking Food action areas. This builds teacher capacity and provides access to curriculum resources to deliver hands-on cooking and gardening experiences to students within the Fresh Tastes framework.