Walking Together for Logan’s Children

Our foundation CEO Cathy Wilkinson recently joined in the Walking Together for Logan’s Children learning, reflection and celebration event as part of Logan Together and Stronger Places: Stronger People. The event was held on Yugambeh Country at Eagleby South State School (Brisbane) and Jinndi Mibunn.
"The purpose of the gathering was to bring together community leaders and partners of community-led, place-based collaborations across the country to share the unfolding work of the Logan Together movement and bring together the experience and insights of all participants to co-create new collective understanding.
We were welcomed to Country by Elders, witnessed the Uluru Statement from the Heart recited by a young student and joined yarning circles to learn how Logan’s early childhood system has been re-imagined. For example, how the Pasifika community has come together through the Village Connect initiative.
The children placed hand-made feather necklaces around our necks, performed a Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime story and had so much fun playing in Joomunjie Land, an imaginative adventure playground co-designed by children.
The three guiding principles of Logan Together are:
- First Nations first
- children at the heart
- community-led.
We all came away inspired and motivated by how an amazing community has come together to challenge the status quo and drive real local change.
It was such a privilege to yarn with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders from Jinndi Mibunn about their vision for community gardens, meet Andrew Barne the Principal of Eagleby South State School and have him show us where he would love to set up their kitchen garden and be shown around Mutooroo, the bush tucker garden.
We have had interest from many schools and early childhood setting across the region and look forward to continue yarning and exploring how we can support community priorities – all part of Walking Together for Logan’s Children."
Readers might also be interested in Stephanie Alexander AO's open letter in support of the Voice. Click here to read more.
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